
Mobilcirkeln® is a service that has been developed by GIAB in conjunction with several of Sweden’s biggest insurance companies. It is a distribution service for mobile phones that incorporates collection, fault verification and damage assessment, and ensures that compensation/payment is only paid to those who are entitled to receive it. Mobilcirkeln® means that your faulty mobile phone will be replaced with a telephone of the same model and with a corresponding level of performance, in accordance with the like-for-like principle.

How it works

By using the shipping documentation you have received from us, you simply leave your damaged mobile phone with your nearest postal agent.

Depending on the fault, model, time period and the insurance company’s cost framework, GIAB develops the best possible solution for each individual case. The following solutions are used:

  • Repair
  • Replacement device
  • Monetary compensation

A replacement device is a factory-remanufactured device of the same model and corresponding level of performance as the device you send in. All components used in the telephone are original parts. Certain components of the telephone are brand new, direct from the factory, whilst other components are spare parts that are being reused.

Instead of repairing the telephones ourselves, GIAB works as part of a network of external global agents for both repairs and replacement devices, including (for example) Apple, Samsung and Sony. Thanks to the careful selection of these suppliers, we are able to guarantee sustainability, quality and the best solution for the customer at the best imaginable long-term price. All our suppliers work using original components.

By reusing components and remanufacturing telephones, we avoid placing an unnecessary burden on the environment, which the extraction of natural resources for the production of new devices would otherwise entail. By working together to reduce the new use of the planet’s resources, we can all contribute to a sustainable pattern of development. This forms an important part of both our and the insurance companies’ sustainability work as, by reusing the telephones, we are working to counteract today’s prevailing throwaway culture.

Once GIAB has received your mobile phone, it is our objective that your case will be rectified and completed within one working week.