

26 March, 2018

Mobilcirkeln® is a service that has been developed by GIAB in conjunction with several of Sweden’s biggest insurance companies. It is a distribution service for mobile phones that incorporates

26 March, 2018

We reuse your end-of-life IT equipment IT-cirkeln™ Företag offers an environmentally and economically beneficial comprehensive IT equipment solution for companies that want to work in a climate-smart and

28 February, 2018
General Terms and Conditions for Mobilcirkeln®

With special reference to mobile telephones General Terms and Conditions apply when the Customer has reported damage to their mobile telephone to their Insurance Company, and

21 September, 2017

We run the Returhuset store – a great shop for the whole family! Returhuset represents GIAB’s primary sales channel. Here, we sell products from insurance claims, damaged and

14 September, 2017
About GIAB

We are specialists within damage-claims services! Working together with your insurance company, we have developed the ‘Cirkulär skadereglering’ system of circular damage cover. We take in all faulty

12 September, 2017
Deactivate ‘Find my iPhone’

DEACTIVATE ‘FIND MY iPHONE’ ON iCLOUD     Here is an instructional film and manual for how to deactivate ‘Find my iPhone’.

12 September, 2017

Certain insurance companies use GIAB’s ‘IT-cirkeln™’ service. What this means for you as a policy-holder is that, instead of receiving a compensation payment, you send your damaged computer to

12 September, 2017
How it works

GIAB is the extended arm of the insurance industry. Working together with your insurance company, we have developed the ‘Cirkulär skadereglering®’ system of circular damage cover. We take in

12 September, 2017

Mobilcirkeln® is a service that has been developed by GIAB in conjunction with several of Sweden’s biggest insurance companies. It is a distribution service for mobile phones that incorporates

11 September, 2017

Our business concept is based upon the circular economy Sustainability and resource-efficiency comprise the core of GIAB’s business, and this way of thinking permeates everything we do. It